Template Instructions

Below are some instructions to help you get started editing this website. If you have yet to purchase this template and would like to, give the purchase template button a click.

Here are some quick tips to help provide you with some general info on this template and Webflow in general. We do recommend that you check out Webflow University and the Webflow Forums as they have a lot of helpful information on all things Webflow.



The colors that are used throughout this site are saved via Color Swatches. Below is an image of what they look like in the style tab. When you change the color of a color swatch it will make changes to every place that the color is used on the website. See the style guide for a full inventory of all the colors used in this template.


There is one font used throughout this website. If you ever have a desire to change it, this can be done through the "Body (All Pages)" Selector located in the right style panel. In order to change this font throughout the whole site, make sure to click on the body of the page and open the selector dropdown. From there, you will be able to chose the "Body (All Pages)" selector. You will then be able to change the fonts for the whole website via the typography section of the style panel.

If you would like to import a custom font you can do so under Project Settings > Fonts.

Editing Content

There are 2 types of content you can edit throughout this template. It consists of Static Content and Dynamic Content (CMS).

Static Content

This is content that you are able to edit directly from the Webflow Editor. If you see text that you are able to click into and type, this is an example of static content. See the image below for an example. This editing ability will also apply when needing to swap out static images.

Dynamic Content (CMS)

CMS stands for Content Management System. The basics of what this does in Webflow is that it allows you dynamically automatically add content onto your website based upon the content you upload into the CMS. The CMS Section of the Webflow Editor can be seen right below the Pages Icon in the thin left sidebar. The icon for the CMS Section looks like 3 stacked circles.